Nasal Allergies and Sinusitis

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Do you suffer from nasal allergies or chronic sinus infections? 

Good news! 

CHA offers a wide range of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) care to bring you relief. 

While many people can manage symptoms with medications, people who suffer chronic nasal allergies or sinus infections can benefit from other low-risk treatment options. At CHA we offer Balloon Sinuplasty, Coblation, CELON and more. Call 617-665-2555 to make an appointment.

About Chronic Sinus Infections

Sinuses are the spaces behind your face bones that help keep your tissues moist and healthy. 

The sinuses need to drain properly in order to clear mucus. A sinus infection, or sinusitis, happens when the bones and soft tissue in the sinuses become swollen. This blocks sinus drainage and can cause an infection. 

Chronic sinusitis is when you have long-term or recurring sinus blockages and inflammation. This may be caused by allergies to dust, mold or pollen. Sinusitis can cause pressure in the forehead or around the eyes, nose and cheeks. Some people call these sinus headaches.

Low-Risk Treatments at CHA

  • Balloon Sinus Surgery (Sinuplasty)
    Balloon Sinus Surgery (Sinuplasty)

    Balloon sinus surgery is a common procedure done in the doctor's office. During the procedure, your ENT doctor puts a small, thin plastic tube in your nose. The tube has a small light and camera. 

    The doctor places a small balloon catheter over the plastic tube. The balloon is slowly filled with air and guided to press against the sinus walls, forcing an opening.

    After the balloon has been inflated, the doctor cleans out the sinuses and nasal cavities with a saline rinse to further remove buildup. The balloon is then removed, and the sinuses drain naturally.

    Most treatments take around 1 hour to perform. There is no cutting, no loss of tissue and little or no pain. 

    How long does it take to recover after Balloon Sinus Surgery? 

    Recovery time is usually fast, but may be different for each patient. Some patients report feelings of minor sinus pressure or numbness during the surgery, but no real pain. Most patients return to normal activities within two days. 


    Studies show patients with many sinus infections who received Balloon Sinus Surgery reported fewer sinus issues and better quality of life.

  • Coblation - Turbinate Reduction
    Coblation - Turbinate Reduction  

    Turbinates are the small curved bones in the nose. Allergies or other conditions can cause turbinates to be tender and swollen, trapping mucus and blocking nasal airways. Patients can experience a stuffy nose, facial pressure, snoring and even sleep apnea. 

    At CHA, our ENT doctors are trained in coblation Turbinate Reduction surgery. This can remove or reduce the soft tissue inside the turbinates, providing steady relief for long term stuffy noses. 

    What is the procedure like and how does it work?

    The coblation procedure is done at the doctor's office and takes less than 10 minutes.  At the start of the treatment, the doctor uses a local anesthetic on the nose to reduce any pain. Once the area is numb, they place a probe into the nose to shrink soft tissue inside the nose. Patients can breathe well again once the extra tissue has been removed. 

    Turbinates will continue to get smaller over time. Depending on the size of the original turbinate, it is not uncommon to repeat this procedure to get the best results. 


    1. The procedure takes up to 10 minutes and is painless

    2. Performed at the doctor's office

    3. Fast and reliable results

    4. At least 50% reduction in nasal closure during the first week of procedure

    5. Noticeable improvement at 3 months, 6 months, and one year after treatment

  • CELON Procedure for Nasal Blockage
    CELON Procedure for Nasal Blockage

    Did you know that nasal blockages are very common? More than 30% of people suffer from this condition. Nasal blockages are often the result of enlarged turbinates caused by allergies and pollution.

    CELON is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of nasal turbinates to improve breathing. If you suffer from long-term nasal blockage, ask a CHA ENT doctor if CELON is the right solution for you. 

    What is the procedure like and how does it work?

    The CELON procedure is an easy, low-risk way to relieve chronic nasal blockages. During the office procedure, your ENT doctor will use a local anesthesia to make the area numb. Next, a small wand is put in the nose that puts out low energy radio waves. Radio waves are a safe way to reduce swelling without damaging the skin. 

    Recovery can take anywhere from 3 days to 6 months. This will vary depending on the size of the turbinates. During recovery, patients usually have some swelling in the nose for 1-2 weeks and some scabbing. Some patients may also have trouble breathing for the first 1-2 weeks. Your doctor may have other guidelines for you to follow to speed up recovery.  

    Benefits of CELON Treatment:

    • Simple and painless

    • Done in less than 10 minutes

    • Fewer sinus infections in the future

    • Easier breathing

  • PROPEL Stent 
    PROPEL Stent 

    PROPEL® is an implant used to keep the sinuses open after surgery. These implants improve patient breathing so they can get back to daily tasks such as work and exercise. 

    What is the procedure like and how does it work?

    During the procedure, your ENT doctor puts a small, spring-like device into your sinuses through your nose. This keeps the sinuses open, allowing air to flow and mucus to drain so healing can take place. 

    The implant also contains medicine that slowly gets released into the sinuses over 30 to 45-days. This helps to reduce swelling and stop scarring. PROPEL® stents will dissolve into the body after a few weeks. 

    Benefits of PROPEL® Treatment:

    • Less likely for another sinus surgery

    • Lightweight, and usually cannot be felt once in place

    • Dissolves to eliminate the need for removal

    • Reduces the need for steroids, which can have side effects. 

  • Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
    Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)

    Sublingual Immunotherapy, also called SLIT, is an at-home option for patients who want allergy relief without having surgery. To use SLIT, patients place the recommended drops under the tongue daily.

    Patients who cannot plan regular appointments with their ENT doctor, find SLIT to be another option for relief. Research shows that SLIT has results similar to allergy shots.  

    Benefits of SLIT Treatment:

    • No Surgery

    • Easy to use at home medicine 

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